All the above from Kent, except the P. oleae, however I did find mines of this species at a garden centre in Canterbury this year, so technically...
Large images, clockwise from top left:
Prays oleae - reared from larvae mining leaves of olive at Wentworth Garden centre, Sth. Yorks,
Ethmia terminella - back garden, East Kent,
Sciota adelphella - back garden, East Kent,
Esperia oliviella - Covert Wood, Kent
Medium images, top: Nemapogon ruricolella - ancient hedgerow, East Kent;
bottom: Elachista subocellea - old orchard windbreak, East Kent
Small images, clockwise from top left: Micropterix tunbergella, Grapholita internana - back garden, East Kent
Metzneria aestivella - reared from larvae, Fowlmead CP, Deal, Kent,
Eucosma aspidiscana - daytime observation, Denge Woods, East Kent